Looking forward to a fantastic New Year. Now just got to get up and get going. So many idea's. Just got to start.
Its about me at work with a few other personal bits chucked in. I drive boats, Lift boats out of the water, I'm a yacht rigger, a crane driver. I love just chillin out on a boat watching the world go by. I have a great family and some cool friends, I like camping , BBQ and Beer.
Sunday, 1 January 2017
Sunday, 14 August 2016
Osborne Bay.
I went sailing yesterday on my friends Steve's yacht. What a fantastic day sailing. Anchored at Osborne bay on the island. Chilled out completely .Then a good sail back.
Practiced MOB with my hat. It survived, and off to the pub for a pint.
Great day
Thursday, 14 January 2016
Monday, 15 October 2012
Kent 31
Drove this in the dock today a new one for me. Small. a little noisy . But handles like a dream . Twin engines and a thruster. Cool.

Friday, 14 September 2012
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Bow thrusters
Today i helmed a sunseeker 52 manhatten. A really nice boat. When coming out of the berth it al went a bit wierd. The bow thruster came on intermitantly . I turned it off and backed it out into the river with the tide still flooding [ not very wise ] . Then tried the thruster again and it worked fine. Eventually got it in the dock with a nice force 5 cross wind. Turned the engines off and all of a sudden the bow thruster came on by itself the unit had already been turned off . I had to run and turn off the main batteries. Not good when the boats worth a million sqid. Had to take it back an hour later. But we turned off the bow thruster breaker. No bow thruster no stern thruster and a cross wind. Thankgod for big fenders. I Love sternthrusters and big fenders.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Tomorrow i might be driving a sunseeker 73. I must admit im a little nervous. But hopefully i'll be ok ish.