Drove this in the dock today a new one for me. Small. a little noisy . But handles like a dream . Twin engines and a thruster. Cool.

Its about me at work with a few other personal bits chucked in. I drive boats, Lift boats out of the water, I'm a yacht rigger, a crane driver. I love just chillin out on a boat watching the world go by. I have a great family and some cool friends, I like camping , BBQ and Beer.
Drove this in the dock today a new one for me. Small. a little noisy . But handles like a dream . Twin engines and a thruster. Cool.
Today i helmed a sunseeker 52 manhatten. A really nice boat. When coming out of the berth it al went a bit wierd. The bow thruster came on intermitantly . I turned it off and backed it out into the river with the tide still flooding [ not very wise ] . Then tried the thruster again and it worked fine. Eventually got it in the dock with a nice force 5 cross wind. Turned the engines off and all of a sudden the bow thruster came on by itself the unit had already been turned off . I had to run and turn off the main batteries. Not good when the boats worth a million sqid. Had to take it back an hour later. But we turned off the bow thruster breaker. No bow thruster no stern thruster and a cross wind. Thankgod for big fenders. I Love sternthrusters and big fenders.
Tomorrow i might be driving a sunseeker 73. I must admit im a little nervous. But hopefully i'll be ok ish.
I just drove a nelson from the dock to its berth in a force 9 .It went really well . Had to hold too the wind for 5 min just to get the nerve to go in the berth. Owner watching with a new paint job. I need a beer.
I had a fun time the other day. I had to put this Moody 64 in the dock stern first. We had about 10" each side. The tide was moving faster than i thought, but all went ok.
Well today i drove a 45 ft yacht with a rotating 360° saildrive, controled by a joystick , that also controled the bow thruster at the same time.
Well i had about 3 mins to practise then had to drive it in the dock. Not long to learn but did ok.
Twist the joystick left or right and the rear of the boat goes that way . Push the joystick left or right and the bow thruster comes on.
Pushing the joystick forward or back and the boat moves in that direction.
I can put a yacht anywhere with a rudder and bow thruster. But this new device take all the fun out of driving . Next they will have it on remote.
I have driven motor boats with this fitted and it does make things alot more easy. Well we have to wait and see if this catchs on.
Today , I had motorboat training. What a great day .Driving around Portsmouth harbour for 6 hours. Having a packed lunch tied up to a bouy with a great view. Needed the training because the boats at work are getting quite big. Princess 23 mtr the other day.
Got called a true pro. Not sure about that. But feel alot more confident. Its ok now we'll give it a bash.
Had to sit in the crane for an hour this morning, holding a mast up, while they changed / turned a chainplate round. The wallys put it on backward. O dear never mind. The things we have to do.
wow, I said i wanted some fresh air after Christmas holidays, but did it have to be Gale force winds and rain. Only had to drive in a 45 with outdrives, luck had it the wind died down just as we went in the dock. Now got to go home and fix the broken fence.